privacy policy
General information:
As users of the site you can view it without filling out registration forms and entering personal data. However, in some cases, through our contact form, we may collect your personal information. In case you want to use specialized modules and services, it is necessary to enter the required data in order to perform the procedure you request.
Principles for collecting, processing and storing your personal data.
We ensure that the information we collect and use is necessary for this purpose and does not enter your personal space.
The services we offer require the processing and storage of personal data that is minimized.
Why we collect personal data and what we use it for?
This data is necessary in order for the relevant service to be processed and performed on the basis of statutory obligations and / or in response to your request that you have sent.
Personal data necessary for specific customer service are collected and processed and stored within the statutory deadlines. When providing the processing, it is not allowed to transport sensitive information (including personal data) through unprotected channels.
The main goal of the site is to provide effective service to its users with personal data protection. We support administrative, program and technical measures and resources for data protection.
Regardless of whether in the specific case the e-mail address, the names of the contact person, telephone number or address represent personal data or not, we will use the provided data only for the purposes of the task / service we provide.
Cookies and other passive technologies:
Our site uses cookies and other tracking technologies that collect information from you to improve the services we offer on the site.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that a website can save to your computer or mobile device when you visit a page or site. The cookie will help the site or other sites to recognize your device the next time you visit it. Web beacons or other similar files can do the same. We use the term cookies in this policy to name all files that collect information in this way.
Cookies perform many different functions. For example, they help us remember your language preferences, show you information that we believe is relevant to your interests, or even allow us to recommend content that we think will be of interest to you.
You can find out more about cookies, as well as ways to refuse the use of cookies on your device, in our Cookie Policy.
Your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data:
The General Data Protection Regulation provides for the following rights of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data:
right of access to personal data related to the person, which are processed by the administrator;
right to correct inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
the right to delete ("right to be forgotten") personal data that are processed illegally or with a revoked legal basis (expired retention period, withdrawn consent, fulfilled original purpose for which they were collected, etc.);
the right to limit the processing in the presence of a legal dispute between the administrator and the natural person until its resolution and / or for the establishment, exercise or protection of legal claims;
right to data portability when personal data are processed in an automated manner on the basis of consent or contract. For this purpose, the data are transmitted in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format;
the right of the data subject not to be the subject of a fully automated decision, including profiling, which has legal consequences for him or affects him to a significant degree.
The resulting rights under the General Data Protection Regulation can be exercised by submitting an application to the controller in person or by proxy by submitting a written application, by post, through a licensed postal operator or electronically signed with a qualified electronic signature. In the application you should indicate your name, address and other data for your identification as a data subject, to describe what your request is, the preferred form of communication and actions on your request. You need to sign your request, reflect the date of submission and the address for correspondence with you.